Rhinoplasty (Nose) aesthetics

The nose is an aesthetically extremely important organ that directly affects the expression of the face with its shape and posture at first glance. Rhinoplasty is done for aesthetic purposes only, and septorhinoplasty is done to improve breathing difficulties along with rhinoplasty.

Why Is Rhinoplasty Done?

Problems such as the prominent arch on the nasal ridge, wide nasal bone base, curvature and curvature of the nasal ridge, width of the nasal tip, drooping or sagging, and width of the nostrils can be corrected after aesthetic nose surgery. . In addition, septum curvatures that block the airway, nasal concha growths (nasal meatus), problems that reduce airflow can also be treated with this intervention.
Skin thickness in rhinoplasty can affect the results. In very thick and oily skin, the elasticity of the skin will decrease after the surgery, and it takes more time for the edema to decrease. Nose surgeries can be performed with two approaches, closed and open.

How Is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Nose aesthetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours. Depending on the patient's nose structure, open or closed rhinoplasty can be performed. The piezo can be used to shape the nasal bone during surgery.

What is the Post-Surgery Process?

Postoperative bruises and swellings under the eyes and around the nose may depend on both the patient and the surgical technique used. The tampons used in rhinoplasty are removed 2-5 days after the operation. The pads placed in septorhinoplasty surgery can be removed after 5-7 days to support the corrected and repositioned septum, control bleeding and maintain the position. The tampons used have passages that keep the airway open. Nasal breathing continues as long as the airways are not closed.
The surgery takes about two hours and is done under general anesthesia. The main results of rhinoplasty surgery are seen in the early postoperative period.
The patient should keep the blood pressure steady and low to prevent bleeding.
Observation of the full final result can be seen after 1 year and it depends on several factors. These can be controllable factors such as the surgical technique used, whether to intervene in the bones, the need for postoperative rest in the appropriate position, effective bandaging, as well as the thickness of the patient's skin.

Rhinoplasty (Nose) Aesthetics

Rhinoplasty is done for aesthetic purposes only, and septorhinoplasty is done to improve breathing difficulties along with rhinoplasty.

Contact us to find out the most suitable treatment methods for you.

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